Whether you’re new to credit or are trying to re-establish it, credit cards are great to have in your possession. If used responsibly, you can boost your score. You may also be granted a higher credit limit or an upgrade to a rewards card. Bear in mind that you’ll probably need to provide a security deposit, depending on the product you choose.
Here’s our selection of the best credit cards for building credit in October 2019:
1) Indigo Platinum Credit Card

- Previous bankruptcy accepted
- It reports to all three major credit bureaus
- Applying won’t affect your credit score
- Accepted at over 35 million locations worldwide
- Zero fraud liability
2) The First Progress Platinum Elite MasterCard® Secured Credit Card

- Receive Your Card More Quickly with New Expedited Processing Option
- Quick and Complete Online Application
- Full-Feature Platinum MasterCard(R) Secured Credit Card
- Nationwide Program though not yet available in NY, IA, AR, or WI
*See Card Terms.
3) Reflex Mastercard

• All credit types welcome to apply!
• Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
• Initial Credit Limit of $500.00!* (subject to available credit)
• Fast and easy application process; results in seconds
• Use your card at locations everywhere that Mastercard® is accepted
• Free online account access 24/7
• Checking Account Required
4) Capital One Secured MasterCard

- No annual fee, and all the credit building benefits with responsible card use
- Unlike a prepaid card, this Capital One card builds credit when used responsibly, with regular reporting to the 3 major credit bureaus
- You will get an initial $200 credit line after making a security deposit of $49, $99, or $200, determined based on your creditworthiness
- Get access to a higher credit line after making your first 5 monthly payments on time with no additional deposit needed
- Easily manage your account 24/7 with online access, by phone or using our mobile app
- It’s a credit card accepted at millions of locations worldwide
5) Surge Mastercard

- All credit types welcome to apply!
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Initial Credit Limit of $500.00!* (subject to available credit)
- Fast and easy application process; results in seconds
- Use your card at locations everywhere that Mastercard® is accepted
- Free online account access 24/7
- Checking Account Required
6) Credit One Bank® Visa® Credit Card
- See if you Pre-Qualify without harming your credit score
- Track your progress with free online access to your Experian credit score, terms apply
- Looking to rebuild credit? We report to the major credit bureaus monthly
- Make paying your bill easier with the ability to choose your payment due date, terms apply
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